Our history
Bekina® BeSealed was founded in 2014 as a spin-off from sister company Bekina Compounds. Since then, it has grown into a well-established in-house business unit of the Bekina Group and a global leader in the field of reliable swellable seals for concrete structures.

BeSealed becomes Bekina BeSealed
BeSealed becomes Bekina BeSealed

As part of a broader initiative to harmonize our company names, the BeSealed name was changed to Bekina BeSealed in 2024. We also got a new logo, in line with the other company logos. This rebranding affirms our collective ambition to strengthen the group’s reputation and guarantee the trusted quality that the group offers every day. This was also the ideal moment to launch our new website, giving Bekina BeSealed a new look online.
Growth in diverse markets
Growth in diverse markets

Bekina BeSealed continues to grow. Over the years, Bekina BeSealed products have become indispensable in many different sectors. Our products are used in formwork, tunnel construction, shipping, oil and gas, piping, cabling, swimming pools, sanitary facilities, etc.
Establishment of BeSealed
Establishment of BeSealed

Bekina BeSealed was founded in 2014 under the name BeSealed. Prior to this, the swelling products were sold under Bekina Compounds. Our tagline ‘waterproofing solutions’ immediately made it clear where our focus lies: producing swellable seals to make concrete structures waterproof. BeSealed was the fourth and last business unit to join the Bekina Group and has been a great success. All our business units enjoy a close relationship. We work hand in hand together, ensuring a seamless integration of all our know-how.
Development of TPE-based swelling products
Development of TPE-based swelling products

Since 2010, Bekina Compounds has been manufacturing TPE*-based swelling products, which swell automatically upon contact with water. These active sealing solutions form the basis of the current Bekina BeSealed range. The product range grew out of the need for a reliable solution for sealing spacers in concrete structures. Traditional methods, such as mechanical systems and silicone, were often error-prone and required additional operations. Through intensive cooperation with the construction sector, a fast, efficient and cost-saving solution was found: swelling products with active sealing technology.
*Thermoplastic elastomers
Bentobar goes into production
Bentobar goes into production

In 2000 our first Bentobar+ was produced, then as part of Bekina Compounds. Bentobar+ is a swellable strip based on bentonite clay and butyl rubber, which is used for sealing construction joints. Sister company Bekina Compounds now mainly specializes in finished coloured rubber compounds and masterbatches.
Development of a compound based on bentonite clay
Development of a compound based on bentonite clay

Did you know that Bekina BeSealed has its origins in Bekina Compounds? In 1989, sister company Bekina Compounds developed a compound based on bentonite clay. This formed the basis for the later development of the Bentobar+, which is still part of the current Bekina BeSealed range.
Establishment of Bekina
Establishment of Bekina

Bekina BeSealed is part of the Bekina group. Bekina was founded in 1962 by the first generation of this Belgian family business, Denis Vanderbeke. The company creates high-quality polymer solutions for various niche sectors worldwide. Bekina was originally founded as a manufacturer of safety boots (Bekina Boots). It subsequently grew into a group of companies with three other business units: Bekina Compounds, Bekina Indurub and Bekina BeSealed.