Review: Trade Fairs 2015

As an international player, the BeSealed team like to keep our finger on the pulse at home and abroad. We do this, among other things, by exhibiting at trade fairs worldwide. Below we would like to provide an overview of the trade fairs we attended this year. Did you drop by? We’d like to thank everyone who visited our stand. Couldn’t make it? No worries! We’ll be attending plenty more international trade fairs next year. Be sure to keep an eye on BeSealed‘s LinkedIn page if you’d like to know more about upcoming trade fairs.
- Scaffolding & Formwork Exhibition in Istanbul, Turkey: March 5-8, 2015
International trade fair where many industry professionals come together every year
- Resta in Vilnius, Lithuania: April 22-25, 2015
The largest construction and renovation fair for professionals from the construction sector and end users with an interest in construction and renovation
- Big 5 Global 2021 in Mumbai, India: September 10-12, 2015
The world’s largest trade fair for building materials and technologies
- Concrete Day in Rotterdam, Netherlands: November 19, 2015
The premier knowledge-sharing event and meeting point for concrete enthusiasts in the Netherlands
- Big 5 Global in Dubai: November 23-26, 2015
The world’s largest trade fair for building materials and technologies
- WATEX in Tehran, Iran: November 26-29, 2015
International Water and Wastewater Exhibition