Review: Trade Fairs 2019

The end of the year is approaching and it’s the ideal moment to look back and reflect. Just like last year, we attended a number of trade fairs this year: from the United Kingdom and Germany to Las Vegas.
This year we were present at the following three trade fairs with BeSealed sealing solutions:
- BAU in Munich, Germany: January 14-19, 2019
- World of Concrete in Las Vegas: January 22 – 25, 2019
- UK Concrete Show in Birmingham, United Kingdom: March 20 – 21, 2019
Did you attend any of these fairs? We would like to thank everyone who visited. Couldn’t make it? Don’t worry, we have plenty of trade fairs planned for next year as well. Follow us on the BeSealed LinkedIn page for announcements if you'd like to attend.