Designed to stop water seeping past the spacer through cracks in the concrete

Sealing UFOs and Rings

The Sealing UFO is the ideal solution against water ingress around the spacers and the surrounding concrete. Sealing UFOs prevent water from seeping in through cracks in the concrete past the spacer. 

Why choose the Sealing UFO? 

  • 100% waterproof 
  • Certified up to 6 bar 
  • Easy to assemble 
  • The solution for concrete cracks 

Curious about how our swelling products work? Read more about: the active sealing technology

Bekina BeSealed product Sealing Ufo's and rings

Our variants

The Sealing UFOs are also available in a narrower version, namely the Sealing Rings. 

Sealing Ufo

Waterproof sealing of concrete cracks around spacers

Bekina BeSealed sealing UFO

The Sealing UFO is available in various sizes, but can also be custom developed for your specific formwork system. 

  • Dimensions: 6 mm | 10 mm | 12 mm | 17 mm | 24 mm | 31 mm | 39 mm
  • Standard colour: blue 
  • Fixation: can be applied in one simple movement 

The Sealing UFO is also often used in combination with a Sealing Connector.  

Sealing Ring

Waterproof sealing of concrete cracks around spacers

Bekina BeSealed product Sealing Rings

The Sealing Ring is, just like the Sealing UFO, a perfect solution for sealing PVC spacers and immediately makes the concrete cracks around the formwork spacer waterproof. 

  • Dimensions: 24 mm | 20x2 mm 
  • Standard colour: blue 
  • Fixation: can be applied in one simple movement 

The Sealing Ring is also often used in combination with a Sealing Connector.  

Sealing UFO expansion capacity

Bekina BeSealed Sealing ufo chart

How do I install the Sealing UFO?

Watch the installation video of the Sealing UFO here.